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Parkinson’s Disease

CBD Dosage for Parkinson's

One million Americans are affected by Parkinson’s disease, an incurable disorder of the central nervous system. There are medications to prevent their condition from becoming worse. But, unfortunately, conventional Parkinson’s medications have side effects that significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life.

A study carried conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) shows the oral dosing or inhalation of cannabinoids can provide a therapeutic effect in patients experiencing rigidity, tremors, and bradykinesia (slowness of movement); it has been found that dosing with cannabinoids such as CBD provides significant improvement within half an hour by improving both the pain pathway and motor function. Previous research in Israel revealed substantial improvement in rigidity, improvement in pain scores, bradykinesia, sleep pattern, and tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease. 

Israel is currently conducting medical cannabis research into the effects of CBD and Parkinson’s disease, with more than 20,000 patients in the program. This program is a tightly regulated government curriculum, with more than 90% of the patients who participated in the research study reported considerable improvements in both motor functions and pain. With that said, there has been convincing evidence that CBD may potentially slow down the progression of the disease Parkinson’s by providing a protective effect on the nervous system. In addition, CBD may have a stifling impact on oxidative, glial activation, and excitotoxicity damage implicated in dopamine-releasing neurons degeneration. 

Moreover, CBD has been shown to enhance the mitochondria’s cellular function and activate the removal of the cell remains. 

It’s also proven the capacity to enhance the health of the mitochondria of neural cells. And clinical studies have also found that CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors within the endocannabinoid system. Interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors helps to adjust and control dopamine. Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter responsible for improving overall mood and attitude. The body makes it, and the nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells.

Cannabis has also been shown to help patients with Parkinson’s manage the symptoms associated with the disease. In one study, patients were observed after ingesting Cannabis. They saw significant improvements with pain, tremors, bradykinesia, sleep, motor impairments, rigidity, and disability with movement. In addition, a recent clinical trial found that CBD offered a significant decrease in motor symptoms and pain in Parkinson’s disease patients within 30 minutes.

In conclusion, although Parkinson’s disease is incurable, various research has been conducted to support that CBD shows incredible promise in alleviating the multiple symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease with minimum complications related to their side effects.

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