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CBD for Multiple Sclerosis

MS or Multiple Sclerosis affects more than 2 million people worldwide, and its currently the most common autoimmune disorder globally. Multiple Sclerosis is a severe disease of the brain and spinal cord, and although it isn’t fatal, it shortens the life expectancy by 5 to 10 years. 

MS is a chronic nervous system disease that causes damage to the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. The root cause of multiple Sclerosis is currently unknown; however, it’s attributed to genetic or environmental influences such as infections. Multiple Sclerosis is considered an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks an individual’s tissues and organs. In MS, this impairment of the immune system damages the fatty substance that surrounds and protects nerve fibers in the spinal cord (Myelin) and brain. The Myelin can be compared to the insulation coating on electrical wires. When the protective Myelin is destroyed and the nerve fiber is exposed, the information or messages traveling along the nerve fiber may be blocked entirely or slowed. It isn’t clear why MS Multiple Sclerosis develops in some individuals and not others. A combination of environmental and genetics factors appears to be responsible. Multiple Sclerosis MS causes varying levels of disability and may be associated with a great degree of weakness. Although a wide variety of medications treat MS, numerous patients opt for alternative therapies instead. Current research shows tremendous promise that Cannabis may be a reliable alternative MS treatment for a wide range of multiple Sclerosis.

Cannabidiol is a particular compound found in medical Cannabis plants that provides many benefits with minimum side effects.

As the medical community searches for better approaches to treat and cure MS, many patients have switched their focus to alternative medicine like CBD. Furthermore, those using CBD as an alternative to traditional medication hope to replace conventional treatments, which typically have dangerous side effects. Although more research is needed, Cannabinoids seem to be an effective therapy in helping and managing multiple sclerosis symptoms, including nerve pain and stiffness, and overactive bladder. 

Multiple Sclerosis MS is an incapacitating condition affecting millions of people globally. As medical research attempts to find more reliable treatment options and cures, CBD is poised to be one option. One of the strains of Cannabis that seems to show promise is the Cannabis Sativa which contains both THC and CBD. However, although the strain is designed to treat the spasms involved with Multiple Sclerosis, it can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and headaches. Therefore, considerable research has been conducted with just CBD since it’s shown to be sufficient in treating the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. In one research study, CBD prevented the damaging effects of inflammation on the critical nerve cells of the spinal cord and brain. Cannabinoid/CBD focuses on preventing damage to the nerve cells by blocking the adverse effects of inflammation instead of just treating the symptoms of MS. Other research on studies, for example, on rats, CBD has shown promise by protecting the host from pathogens through the induction of multiple anti-inflammatory pathways. 

Cannabinoid is a potentially helpful therapy for multiple Sclerosis due to its anti-inflammatory property and minor side effects. However, further research needs to be conducted before CBD is accepted as an appropriate therapeutic treatment for MS medically.

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